Choose from the currently open tours, or select the tour that corresponds with your party. If you have any questions regarding tour selection, please contact us at traveling2ghana@gmail.com.


The following items are mandatory and must be obtained prior to the day of your flight:

  • Yellow fever Card

  • Visa

  • Covid Card

Recommended items that must be obtained prior to the day of your flight are Malaria pills or mosquito repellant.

You can get tickets and Visas on your own without the need for a travel agent. To apply for a Visa to Ghana online, go to https://ghanaembassydc.org/visa/ and start the application.

We provide access to a travel agent to assist you in obtaining your Visa to Ghana. Below is their contact information:

Travel Agent: Tickets & Visa
International Travel Exchange
424 Madison Ave, 11th Floor NY NY 10017

Tel 212-808-5368
Attn: Kwaku Amoah
Mention: Travel2Ghana